Still me, still Kara



Find me on Twitter and Instagram: @StillKara1

The preschool room

The preschool room
If you've had a child start nursery you will no doubt have had parents telling you not to worry because 'they'll settle in no time'. Maybe you heard another child had a few tears to start with and perhaps yours did too, but before long they loved nursery, because that's how it usually goes isn't it? I mean, you don't normally see a nursery filled w...
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  1555 Hits
1555 Hits

A second birth

A second birth
When it comes to my second pregnancy, you only have to read my blogs to understand how nervous I was about the whole thing. It wasn't just the thought of going through the baby stages again, how different the whole pregnancy was this time around, or processing all of it with a three year old. There was a lot behind my feelings, though the bit I dre...
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  2431 Hits
2431 Hits

First steps to letting him grow

First steps to letting him grow
As I watched my little boy being carried into his first nursery session crying, screaming and reaching out for his daddy, my heart broke. We'd handed him over to a relative stranger to be carried off into the unknown and there was nothing more we could do to comfort or reassure him. Instead I had to walk away with tears streaming down my face and s...
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  1945 Hits
1945 Hits

A second pregnancy

A second pregnancy
After having been through the anxious waits, the initial tests and that first scan I hoped my second pregnancy would be a breeze. I mean, I'd been through what's generally the most uncertain part of it and I'd done without a hand to hold through the appointments, or while I sat nervously in the waiting room. It might have been a lonely experience d...
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2051 Hits

Sending love to friends

Sending love to friends
I don't really do Valentine's Day anymore. It's not that I don't appreciate it, just for me it's always been a day for new love and putting your heart out there. Seeing romance blossom and impressing someone new. Now I've got a family, I have plenty of anniversaries, special days and Birthdays to get me through the year so, instead I want to talk a...
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1896 Hits

Now you're almost three

Now you're almost three
When my little boy was born I remember hearing or reading a post (I don't remember all that well) about a mum who writes a letter to their child each Birthday. Even for those early Birthdays when her child couldn't read yet, there was a letter for them to pick up when they got older. Knowing that holding onto memories with my little boy was so impo...
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1788 Hits

Super parents

Super parents
When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I was nervous but so excited. Without having been born yet my baby was everything I wanted and he'd made my picture feel complete. It really didn't matter to me what he was going to look like, who he was going to be, he was mine and I knew I'd love him. In fact, my baby was more perfect than I co...
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1919 Hits

Taking on 2020

Taking on 2020
So there you have it, 2020 is pretty much over. The year that told us to stay at home, made us stock up on toilet rolls for no apparent reason and got us all swapping our jeans and trousers for jogging bottoms is almost over. We grew our hair or tried to be hairdressers, turned our homes into our offices, schools, playgrounds and spas and spen...
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1844 Hits

I'll always love Christmas

I'll always love Christmas
I don't know what your favourite time of the year is, but Christmas is most definitely my favourite. I think it pretty much has been for as long as I can remember. I mean what's not to love, apart from the mince pies and Christmas pudding, I don't understand why we need raisins and sultanas in everything for the festive season, give me gingerbread ...
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  1859 Hits
1859 Hits

My photography journey

My photography journey
We've nearly all got at least one baby picture that surfaces on our Birthday, or on those proud parent moments. Whether we were little and sat in the bath, blowing out the candles on our Birthday cake or falling asleep in our food. We look back at that picture and either enjoy or regret that moment in time that it captures.That's the magic of photo...
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  2092 Hits
2092 Hits

Stay at home parent

Stay at home parent
When I became a stay at home parent it just sort of happened, it wasn't part of any master plan, or anything I'd been particularly dreaming of. Life pushed me in that direction and it seemed to be best for my family. So, without any idea of what I was letting myself in for I watched the mums I knew return to work while I settled into life at home w...
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  2443 Hits
2443 Hits

First pet

First pet
With animals around me all of my life I knew that after I lost my cat Muffin, there would come a day when I would like a pet again. That one day, spending time with the animals at my parents farm wouldn't be enough and either myself or my little boy would be coming home and asking for a pet.After seeing how good my little boy is with animals, earli...
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  2423 Hits
2423 Hits

Teddy's story - Part 1

Teddy's story - Part 1
The first time I met Teddy she was only a few weeks old. A little ball of fluff with blue eyes and a moustache who lived in a wagon with her mum and three siblings. Not just any wagon though, a wagon next to a rush hour door watched by thousands of people each morning. Where, every morning of her little life she had heard my dad say 'greetings and ...
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  2016 Hits
2016 Hits

Farm to town

Farm to town
When my first real job started to look uncertain I decided to take a huge leap and leave the comfort and security of the farm and my childhood home and see what a big town had to offer. To be honest I surprised myself with the decision, I've always loved being at home more than being away and I had no real want to go out and experience the big wide...
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  2174 Hits
2174 Hits

My dad that went viral

My dad that went viral
When I tell people that my parents run a farm project, the usual response is, 'is it like a visitor centre '. That's when the conversation gets interesting, because really, how do you describe a place like CaenhillCC? The little piece of English countryside that brings rural learning to its local community, supports young and vulnerable people, tak...
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  3700 Hits
  1 Comment
3700 Hits
1 Comment

Father's Day thoughts

Father's Day thoughts
Father's Day means something different to us all, it can remind us of loss, remind us of love or simply not even matter. But, for myself, Father's Day is a reminder of how lucky I am, lucky to know some amazing dads, lucky to have some amazing dad's as such a big part of my life. I'm even luckier to have not one, or two, but three dads who have sha...
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2341 Hits

Falling out of love with sleep

Falling out of love with sleep
I'm pretty sure I was born to sleep. When I was little I'd happily fall asleep in my food, sleep to avoid talking to people, in fact I'd pretty much sleep anywhere, anytime. Even after a fantastic nap, I still looked forward to bedtime, some days I couldn't wait. While I disappointingly grew out of being able to fall asleep when I didn't want to ta...
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2502 Hits

Easing lockdown

Easing lockdown
The first I knew of the most recent lockdown changes was a text from my neighbour, she'd messaged to say I could see my family again. If I'm really honest, in that moment when I read her message I felt a bit emotional. I didn't know the details, exactly how it would all work, but the first thing I thought of was how much seeing family would mean to...
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  2753 Hits
2753 Hits

Why still Kara?

Why still Kara?
I've been blogging for a bit now, but as I finally take the plunge to rename my Instagram account (more on that on my insta feed) I thought I'd take the chance to tell you a little more about my blog title. It might be just a title to write under, but it's actually a little more than that to me and here's why.When I finally decided to get some help...
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2344 Hits

Lockdown letter

Lockdown letter
I've got to admit I get mum guilt a lot, I guess that's the thing about being a mum, we usually want everything perfect for our little people. During lockdown I feel especially guilty that I can't explain what's going on to my boy, he's too little to understand. So, I thought I would write to my boy and let it all out, who knows, maybe one day when...
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2972 Hits