Still me, still Kara



Find me on Twitter and Instagram: @StillKara1

A second pregnancy

A second pregnancy
After having been through the anxious waits, the initial tests and that first scan I hoped my second pregnancy would be a breeze. I mean, I'd been through what's generally the most uncertain part of it and I'd done without a hand to hold through the appointments, or while I sat nervously in the waiting room. It might have been a lonely experience d...
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  2073 Hits
2073 Hits

Sending love to friends

Sending love to friends
I don't really do Valentine's Day anymore. It's not that I don't appreciate it, just for me it's always been a day for new love and putting your heart out there. Seeing romance blossom and impressing someone new. Now I've got a family, I have plenty of anniversaries, special days and Birthdays to get me through the year so, instead I want to talk a...
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  1920 Hits
1920 Hits

Stay at home parent

Stay at home parent
When I became a stay at home parent it just sort of happened, it wasn't part of any master plan, or anything I'd been particularly dreaming of. Life pushed me in that direction and it seemed to be best for my family. So, without any idea of what I was letting myself in for I watched the mums I knew return to work while I settled into life at home w...
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  2460 Hits
2460 Hits

Easing lockdown

Easing lockdown
The first I knew of the most recent lockdown changes was a text from my neighbour, she'd messaged to say I could see my family again. If I'm really honest, in that moment when I read her message I felt a bit emotional. I didn't know the details, exactly how it would all work, but the first thing I thought of was how much seeing family would mean to...
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  2775 Hits
2775 Hits

I can’t cook a roast

I can’t cook a roast
Who else has been learning more about themselves during lockdown? I thought that after all these years with myself there'd be little more to know. But Covid-19 has given us a challenge and, as with every new challenge, I'm having to evaluate the best way forward, as we all are. Thanks to my toddler insisting that I needed to cook over the weekend I...
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  1193 Hits
1193 Hits

Down in lockdown

Down in lockdown
It's been a few weeks of lockdown, don't ask me how many because I've completely lost count, but this last week has felt the toughest so far for me. It's difficult to admit that because I always like to look on the bright side of things, and I almost never say when things get me down. But sometimes admitting that things are feeling tough is the bes...
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  1101 Hits
1101 Hits

Something missing

Something missing
We're all missing something right now, even if it's that McDonald's breakfast we haven't had in months but now really fancy because we can't have it. I'm definitely missing a lot of things and because I never know if or when I'll ever miss these things again, I thought I would share. I'm not going to talk about the people I miss because that's a wh...
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  1283 Hits
1283 Hits

Making friends and influencing people

Making friends and influencing people
I wanted to take the opportunity to talk to you about friends. Those wonderful people who come along and we choose to keep in our lives. Whether they are far away, or we're missing seeing them right now, the fact that we that we want to have them around is surely pretty special.Everyone has a different approach to friendship. Some people are confid...
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  1144 Hits
1144 Hits

We’ve made it one week

We’ve made it one week
Ok, I know it's a bit more than a week since lockdown, but I really wanted to talk about the last week. Even though it's only a small milestone in the grand scheme of things, having a milestone reached still feels like something to me.I know what some people are thinking, I look after my toddler all day every day anyway, not much has changed. How I...
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  1051 Hits
1051 Hits

Coping with social distancing

Coping with social distancing
As any mum out there knows, we all need to find a way to cope now we have children. Something to rely on when we've been up half the night for no obvious reason (though everyone will guess the reason for you just to make it that much more painful) or we're bored of telling the kids to stop playing with toilet paper (it's valuable now don't you know...
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  988 Hits
988 Hits