Still me, still Kara



Find me on Twitter and Instagram: @StillKara1

A second pregnancy

A second pregnancy
After having been through the anxious waits, the initial tests and that first scan I hoped my second pregnancy would be a breeze. I mean, I'd been through what's generally the most uncertain part of it and I'd done without a hand to hold through the appointments, or while I sat nervously in the waiting room. It might have been a lonely experience d...
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  2073 Hits
2073 Hits

Super parents

Super parents
When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I was nervous but so excited. Without having been born yet my baby was everything I wanted and he'd made my picture feel complete. It really didn't matter to me what he was going to look like, who he was going to be, he was mine and I knew I'd love him. In fact, my baby was more perfect than I co...
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  1941 Hits
1941 Hits

Stay at home parent

Stay at home parent
When I became a stay at home parent it just sort of happened, it wasn't part of any master plan, or anything I'd been particularly dreaming of. Life pushed me in that direction and it seemed to be best for my family. So, without any idea of what I was letting myself in for I watched the mums I knew return to work while I settled into life at home w...
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  2460 Hits
2460 Hits

Playing favourites

Playing favourites
When my little boy was a baby I mostly embraced the role as his favourite parent. As a new mum there was nothing more reassuring for me than when my baby stopped crying just because I held him. It was also really convenient, he was breast fed and we were together all day every day with limited extra company at times. Knowing that he still wanted me...
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  1424 Hits
1424 Hits