Still me, still Kara



Find me on Twitter and Instagram: @StillKara1

Falling out of love with sleep

Falling out of love with sleep
I'm pretty sure I was born to sleep. When I was little I'd happily fall asleep in my food, sleep to avoid talking to people, in fact I'd pretty much sleep anywhere, anytime. Even after a fantastic nap, I still looked forward to bedtime, some days I couldn't wait. While I disappointingly grew out of being able to fall asleep when I didn't want to ta...
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  2520 Hits
2520 Hits

Sleeping big

Sleeping big
Last night I should have been sat with drink in hand celebrating that for the first time in a long time my little boy didn't insist that I do his bedtime routine. But last night wasn't like just any other night, last night marked a big step in my little boy growing up. For the first time he had a duvet, a pillow, the side off his cot but he chose n...
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  1178 Hits
1178 Hits