Still Kara
Find me on Twitter and Instagram: @StillKara1
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Teddy's story - Part 1
The first time I met Teddy she was only a few weeks old. A little ball of fluff with blue eyes and a moustache who lived in a wagon with her mum and three siblings. Not just any wagon though, a wagon next to a rush hour door watched by thousands of people each morning. Where, every morning of her little life she had heard my dad say 'greetings and ...
First pet
With animals around me all of my life I knew that after I lost my cat Muffin, there would come a day when I would like a pet again. That one day, spending time with the animals at my parents farm wouldn't be enough and either myself or my little boy would be coming home and asking for a pet.After seeing how good my little boy is with animals, earli...